Ein Abend mit zwei Konzerten. Attenzione, sie beginnen pünktlich wegen des anschließenden Hafenkino Open Air.
Einlass 19.00 Uhr
Acid Tongue 19.30 Uhr
Sun 20.45 Uhr
Eintritt 10 Euro im Vorverkauf und an der Abendkasse.
SUN ist eine französische Sängerin, Songwriterin, Gitarristin und Filmschauspielerin. Ihre Leidenschaft fürs Growlen entdeckte sie bereits mit zwölf Jahren und begann bereits in diesem Alter mit Death-Metal-Bands auf Tour zu gehen. Die talentierte Französin tanzte und sang aber auch in Musicals. So spielte sie die Rolle der Edith Piaf in Frankreich, Südkorea, Japan und wurde u.a. durch die Casting Show The Voice France bekannt. Beim deutschen Eurovision Song Contest-Vorausscheid belegte sie unter ihrem bürgerlichen Namen Caroline Rose den zweiten Platz. Im September 2021 wurde sie mit dem französischen Nachwuchspreis LE FAIR, einem der wichtigsten französischen Awards für Rock- und Popmusik, ausgezeichnet.
Mit „Brutal Pop“ hat sie ein Genre geschaffen, das perfekt zu ihr passt. Im Januar 2023 kam ihre neue EP mit dem Titel “Brutal Pop 2” heraus, welche sie zusammen mit Andrew Scheps (Adèle, Beyoncé, RHCP, U2, Metallica und Gewinner von 3 Grammy Awards) aufgenommen hat.
SUN is a French singer, songwriter, guitarist and movie actress. She created a genre she calls « Brutal Pop » : Pop with elements of Rock and Metal. SUN started out screaming and shredding in Death Metal bands on one side, belting and dancing in musicals on the other: she played the character of Edith Piaf in France, South Korea, Japan and got recognized on The Voice France. She came 2nd at the selections of Eurovision with an original song.
Her unique vocal and acting skills led her to work with the best stage directors. She toured as an actress, singer and guitarist in national theaters, playing her music with her drummer on stage, and raised the attention of the press at the most prestigious theatre festival, Festival d’Avignon, which led her to the big screen.
Her first part in a movie is a leading role in « Tom Medina » by Tony Gatlif, who won the prize for best director in Cannes Festival 2004. Her character is inspired by herself: in the movie she acts, sings her own songs and plays her sparkly Telecaster. She also wrote five tracks of the soundtrack. The movie was selected at the Cannes Film Festival 2021, and SUN gave a show on the beach before the screening, alongside with Nicolas Reyes (Gipsy Kings).
SUN is currently working with Andrew Scheps (Adèle, Beyoncé, RHCP, U2, Metallica, winner of 3 Grammy Awards) on her second EP « Brutal Pop II ».
John & I (Money)
Acid Tongue
Garage Soul aus Seattle - Acid Tongue zelebrieren eine Future-Retro-Psych-Rock-Performance, die ihren Lead-Sänger Guy Keltner mitunter zum Stage-Diving in die Menge schickt. Sollte das Konzert Open Air stattfinden mit der berüchtigten Hafen-2-Open-Air-Distanz zwischen Bühnenkante und Crowd - passt bitte auf ihn auf. Viel Vergnügen.
An ode to the metal gurus, the New York grooves, electric warriors, diamond dogs, jooks, droogs, English disco derelicts, artful dodgers, space oddities and anyone who has ever sought a new lease on this sordid thing called life. - Week In Pop
Guy Keltner, the primary songwriter for Acid Tongue, took a rough couple of years and turned them into libretto. “I became incredibly depressed and started spending a lot of time at the Arboretum in Seattle. I had just moved home and was spending all day absorbing this diversity of plants and sounds at the park. I poured myself into writing some deeply personal songs, heavily influenced by the artists in my immediate orbit.” During the recording of Arboretum, Keltner was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and decided to get sober from alcohol. “Kicking booze helped me focus in the studio, but I needed help finishing this album. I was incredibly fortunate to work with musicians that I actually listened to and enjoyed. They individually elevated each song to be something beautiful and unique.”
The members of Seattle rock & roll outfit Acid Tongue are quite literally bouncing off the walls. In fact, it’s hard to even call them a “Seattle band”. There’s the core duo of songwriter Keltner and drummer/vocalist Ian Cunningham — currently based in the Pacific Northwest —but with numerous touring and studio musicians scattered between Paris, New York, London, Mexico City, Los Angeles, & Austin, the rotating roster seems to grow larger by the day.. The band’s latest release, Arboretum, takes things in the next logical direction. Part glam-rock opus, part mixtape, this LP from Acid Tongue marks a significant step forward for a band well-versed in straddling the line between psychedelia and power-pop.
Acid Tongue sind: Shaun Crawford (Guitar), Alyssa DeMartini (Bass, Keyboard, Saxophone), Guy Keltner (Lead Vocals, Guitar), Faith Stankevich (Drums, Keyboards), Ian Cunningham (Vocals, Drums, Keyboard).
All Out Of Time
Suffering For You
Take Me To Your Leader