EDP UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Programm Sweet Electric + Privacy Please

Sweet Electric + Privacy Please

Em Drügge Pitter, Köln Fri, Apr 5, 2024

currently unavailable
April 5, 2024 - 20:00
Doors at 19:00
Em Drügge Pitter, Venloer Str. 416, 50825 Köln, Deutschland
About the event
We are Sweet Electric, a 5 piece rock n roll band from Cologne, Germany. 

We play big dirty guitar riffs, thunderous bass, pounding drums and high wailing vocals, you know,  all the things you expect from the 70s and 80s but with the energy of the 2020s. Because Rock N Roll is too great to leave this world with the legends of decades gone by. We aren’t here to recreate the wheel, we are here to get that old trusty wheel, whip on a new bright colour of paint, strap some turbo boosters to it and get rock n roll back to the front of the race.

Make sure your seats are in the upright position, your tables are folded away and your phones are packed: Sweet Electric are here to take you on a ride.


Privacy Please bringen Diversität in die deutsche Indie Rock Szene. Irgendwo zwischen Indie-Pop und Alternative Rock wollen sie Raum schaffen für emotionale Identifikation mit Themen wie Liebe und Selbstliebe, Suchen und Finden, Akzeptanz und Veränderung in queeren und nicht queeren Lebensrealitäten. Ihre Musik ist gleichermaßen groovig und tanzbar – laut und direkt.